Why compromise the banana flavor? This banana bread is moist and delicious with loads of banana flavor! Friends and family love my recipe and say it's...
This strawberry banana bread is great for breakfast, a mid-day snack, or dessert. Make sure you bake it in a 9x5-inch loaf pan because it rises high and...
This peanut butter chocolate chip bread is a favorite of my kids, either for a special breakfast on Easter morning or a side dish brought to a fancy brunch....
Banana bread travels to the tropics with the addition of pineapple and macadamia nuts. Excellent with coffee in the morning or as a snack with a glass...
I had some bananas that were overly ripe and some strawberries that were also on the ripe side. Since I was making banana-nut bread, I decided to add the...
After trying several recipes for banana bread that had some but not all of the things I wanted in it, I tweaked a few together and came up with this version...
Banana bread and gingerbread come together in this delicious recipe. It's a great way to use up those extra bananas during the holidays or wintertime....
Delicious healthy banana bread made with whole wheat flour, protein packed greek yogurt and naturally sweetened with pure maple syrup. Made in one bowl,...
This banana bread is made with maple syrup instead of sugar. It uses all natural ingredients and is incredibly moist with a great taste. I like organic...
I had some bananas that were overly ripe and some strawberries that were also on the ripe side. Since I was making banana-nut bread, I decided to add the...
This bread is moist and delicious, relatively low in fat, and constantly requested by my four kids for snacks or their school lunches. They even avoid...
My Aunt Bobra's famous banana bread recipe. This recipe took her years to get just right. It's delicious with a high quality berry jam. Optional additions...
It will cool and then be gone, so be prepared to double the recipe or make more. This is by far the best banana bread I have ever had. The banana bread...
This recipe was really yummy to start with but I was looking for something a little healthier so I replaced some butter with non-fat yogurt and I eliminated...
This recipe was really yummy to start with but I was looking for something a little healthier so I replaced some butter with non-fat yogurt and I eliminated...
After trying several recipes for banana bread that had some but not all of the things I wanted in it, I tweaked a few together and came up with this version...
After trying several recipes for banana bread that had some but not all of the things I wanted in it, I tweaked a few together and came up with this version...
After trying several recipes for banana bread that had some but not all of the things I wanted in it, I tweaked a few together and came up with this version...
I stumbled upon this delicious banana bread when I was trying to make something else, but I ended up with something even better! Everyone in the family...
I stumbled upon this delicious banana bread when I was trying to make something else, but I ended up with something even better! Everyone in the family...
I stumbled upon this delicious banana bread when I was trying to make something else, but I ended up with something even better! Everyone in the family...
A delicious fruity loaf with lots of strawberries and bananas. If you leave out the flour and baking powder and soda, this makes a pretty good smoothie...
I have been baking with chocolate all week and this morning decided to make this banana bread. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out but I have to...
Hey its Carla Bruno from CarlasCakes! Here is another great recipe I had to share with you. I am obsessed with banana bread and so it my husband, and I...
Hey its Carla Bruno from CarlasCakes! Here is another great recipe I had to share with you. I am obsessed with banana bread and so it my husband, and I...
A delicious fruity loaf with lots of strawberries and bananas. If you leave out the flour and baking powder and soda, this makes a pretty good smoothie...